Saturday, November 06, 2004

Election Commentary

I haven't really said much about the election, since there are so many others who state my feelings much more eloquently then I could. But I can't resist this. The weather saturday was incredible - almost 70 degrees - can't beat that in November in Minnesota! Brian, CB, and I road the Theodore Wirth loop in reverse, so we crossed the Stone Arch from west to east and headed north up the river through St. Anthony Main, where I snapped this photo. Seems somewhat appropriate given the election debacle. Anyone know the history of this? It could be there from the Clinton, or even Nixon era for all I know ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One day during college I was in Kinko's in Stadium Village. I was making copies, and this woman came in with this metal bound super artsy book of pictures from the mills. She wanted copies or something. I don't remember exactly.

This was back before they knocked a few of the Mills down and turned them all into condos. Back then you could climb up in them and explore. You were supposed to announce your arrival on every floor with "Hi, I'm just exploring." Otherwise the bums would attack you. Anyway, she had done research on the origins of the graffiti. Where is she now, when we need her?

Not Quite the Yellow Dart

11:15 PM  

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