Monday, May 30, 2005

Apparently my rim is jacked up too

Recently noticed that when applying the rear brake on the Cervelo, there's a tiny jerk every revolution. It apparently wasn't very noticable at first, but now I notice it constantly (it hasn't gotten any worse, I just notice it more now - funny how you can't help but notice something once you know it's there!) I took a closer look today, and there's a tiny bulge in the brake surface on one side. This must have happened when I hit that pothole a few weeks ago. It look like it bent the lip just *slightly* on one side, causing the brake surface to bulge out just enough to cause the jerkiness. Sucks - I got a good deal on this wheelset (Mavic Krysium Elite) on Ebay last year, but I still paid no small sum. I'll have to take it in to a shop and see if it's possible to somehow "convince" the bulge to move back where it belongs. Or at least make it less noticable. Hopefully.


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