Saturday, January 29, 2005

Babelogue Linkage

Thanks to the Twin Cities Babelogue for featuring "The Impossible Thrill" in their Minnesota blog of the day spot.

So if you're looking for the futon, turned-guillotine, turned-bike rack entry, you can find it here (you'll need to scroll down to the entry titled "Nice Rack".)

By the way, any new postings will appear below this post until next week. So scroll down to read new postings, and feel free to check back frequently for updates on my random projects, winter biking exploits, and misc musings and rants.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man, that's quite an honor. Congrats on the recognition. You deserve it - the guillotine was genius. On another note, today was the kind of day that redeemed last Friday's ride through the knee-deep snow. It was awesome.

7:39 PM  

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